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Work-Life and SPA Perfect Balance | Poolside Ivanhoe

Work-Life and SPA Perfect Balance

We all need a bit of balance in our lives

July gets a bad rap. Often associated with dreary, cold, wet, miserable weather, it’s also the most common month of the year for people to call in sick for work. But, can we really blame this on winter? Or is a poor ‘work-life balance’ the underlying issue?

Achieving the elusive ‘work-life balance’ can feel like an impossible goal, especially for people who strive to give everything 100%. In today’s ‘do more with less’ competitive reality, how can we manage careers, families and personal time, and still feel satisfied?

Remember: no one’s perfect

As we climb the ladder at work and as our families grow, our responsibilities mushroom. Perfectionism becomes out of reach, and if that habit is left unchecked, it can become draining. The healthier option isn’t to strive for perfection, but excellence.


Technology has helped our lives in many ways. But, it’s also created expectations of constant accessibility. Phone notifications interrupt us and inject an undercurrent of stress in our lives. Make quality time true quality time and develop a habit of resilience.

Exercise and meditate

It’s often the first thing to go when our calendars fill up but they’re proven stress reducers. Our spas come into their own in winter, so take advantage of them. A simple soak in the spa pumps endorphins through the body. In fact, our spas help to lift our moods and also get us in a meditative state, something all of us could benefit from.

Limit time-wasting activities

It’s essential to identify what’s most important and make it a priority. Unfortunately, spa maintenance can be quite time consuming. But, with a few adjustments you can minimise the time spent looking after your spa, while maximising the time spent looking after you.

Reduce maintenance time with our BioGuard SPA Perfect Balance. It will sustain a stable pH for longer, keeping your water feeling soft, for less effort.

BioGuard SPA Velvet is another great product for improving water comfort, boosting chemical efficiencies and limiting maintenance time. By enhancing the feel of the water, SPA Velvet can help you slip into a meditative state and fully unwind.

Simply dedicating some time each week to self-care, even just bathing in the spa, has a profound effect on mind and body. This July, take some time to reflect and focus on the things that matter most. Find your equilibrium, just like our SPA Perfect Balance.

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